
Bah – The events of this entire week happened under a giant rain cloud … literally.  I don’t know about where you live, but here in NJ its been nothing but peevish rain for the past 4 days.

At least it’s doing a good job of keeping all the airborne pollen down – My allergies have all but subsided – Huzzah!

Here’s a sweet and perky line-up of brooches to help stave off the dreary weather:

Take a closer peek at these bow brooches here.

And now, a linky list I’ve compiled over the past few days:

  • Great office for close quarters.

Alrighty, well Saturday Jim and I are headed to NYC for a friend’s birthday party – Booze, dance and a delicious brunch will be had by all!

I also peeked at the weather and we are supposed to have sun on Saturday – Which is thrilling (not just because we will be traipsing around the city and staying dry would be nice, but) because I can FINALLY take some photos of new shop items!!  I’ll be introducing a brand new line of … well let’s just say “Hitchcock-inspired” goodies – I can’t wait to share them with you!

Have a safe and happy weekend – See you Monday! (Provided the world doesn’t end …)

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