Beeswax Candle DIY


This year Jim and I decided to make beeswax candles for our families for Christmas … after purchasing 5 pounds of beeswax, 50 wicks and 25 vintage tins, we knew there was no turning back.


This past Sunday we prepped the kitchen, cracked open a few beers and got to work – Here’s how we did it.

Supplies: (click item for source)

Everything else we used can probably be found in your house.  Beeswax is difficult to clean from surfaces once it cools – Keep this in mind when selecting containers and tools to use during the candle-making process!

Process Photos:



  1. Break the beeswax block into small pieces.  We used a box grater to create fine shavings and a dull knife to break off larger chunks.
  2. Melt the beeswax in a double boiler.  This part takes time – Be patient and do not allow the wax temperature to exceed 185*F.  We placed a Pyrex measuring container containing the beeswax in a pot of gently boiling water and checked the temperature periodically with a thermometer.
  3. While waiting for the wax to melt, prepare your candle tins.  Place your pre-tabbed wicks in the center of each tin, stand them up straight and wrap the top of the wick around a pencil to keep it vertical while the candle cools.
  4. Carefully pour the melted beeswax into each tin.
  5. Allow candles to completely cool overnight.
  6. Trim each wick to about half an inch before burning.

Light your candles and enjoy!


I am really happy with how these turned out – The candles burn strong and clean and the beeswax gives off a subtly sweet scent.


I can’t wait to wrap and gift the rest of these to our families for Christmas this year … or maybe we’ll just keep them for ourselves! ;)