Inspiring Words for the Weekend

Okay, maybe not.

But I love this piece (and I can’t seem to find the source – Please let me know if you have it).

I don’t have many exciting plans for my weekend – Studying mostly and catching up on things around the house – But at the very least I’ll be looking forward to sleeping in …

See you next week!

I need a smart phone.

No, not because I want the ability to check my mail in the bathroom or so I can send incessant tweets at all hours of the night.

I want one so I can play this game: ZOMBIES, RUN!

Zombies, Run! is game for your iTouch, iPhone or Android that combines the brain-eating zombie goodness and puzzle-solving aspects from some of my favorite video games (Fallout 3 and Half-Life) with my preferred form of exercise: Running!

Basic game storyline: Help rebuild civilization by collecting critical supplies and avoiding the roaming zombie herds.  So cool.

Coming in 2012.

Visit for more info!